CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2021-22 in India

CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2021

Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Unit-1: Geography as a Discipline
Geography as −
An integrating discipline
A science of spatial attributes
Branches of Geography −
Physical Geography
Human Geography
Scope and Career Options
Unit-2: The Earth
Origin and evolution of the earth
Interior of the earth
Wegener’s continental drift theory and plate tectonics
Earthquakes and volcanoes −
Unit-3: Landforms
Rocks −
Landforms and their evolution
Geomorphic processes −
Mass wasting
Unit 4: Climate
Atmosphere −
Composition and structure
Elements of weather and climate
Insolation −
The angle of incidence and distribution
Heat Budget of the earth-heating and cooling of the atmosphere (conduction, convection, terrestrial radiation, and advection)
Temperature −
Factors controlling temperature
Distribution of temperature – horizontal and vertical
Inversion of temperature
Pressure-pressure belts −
Seasonal and local
Air masses and fronts
Tropical and extratropical cyclones
Precipitation −
Rainfall – types and world distribution
World climates −
Classification (Koeppen and Thornthwaite)
Global warming
Climatic changes
Climate and Global Concerns
Unit 5: Hydrosphere
Basics of Oceanography
Oceans −
Distribution of temperature
Distribution of salinity
Movements of −
Ocean water-waves
Submarine reliefs
Ocean resources and pollution
Unit 6: Biosphere
Biosphere −
Importance of plants and other organisms
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecological balance
Unit 7: Map work
Identification of features based on 1 to 6 units on the outline/Physical/Political map of the world.
Part – B: India – Physical Environment
Unit – 8: Introduction
Space relations
India’s place in the world
Unit – 9: Physiography
Structure and Relief
Physiographic Divisions
Drainage systems
Concept of river basins
The Himalayan Rivers
The Peninsular Rivers
Unit – 10: Climate, Vegetation, and Soil
Weather and climate −
Spatial and temporal distribution of −
Indian monsoon −
Onset and withdrawal
Variability of rainfalls – spatial and temporal
Use of weather charts
Climatic types (Koeppen)
Natural vegetation −
Biosphere reserves
Soils −
Major types (ICAR’s classification) and their distribution
Soil degradation
Soil conservation
Unit-11: Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Consequences, and Management
Floods −
Droughts −
Earthquakes and Tsunami
Cyclones −
Unit – 12: Map Work
Features based on the above units for locating and labeling on the Outline/Political/Physical map of India.
Part – C: Practical Work
Unit-1: Fundamentals of Maps
Geospatial data
Concept of Geographical data matrix
Point data
Line data
Area data
Maps −
Construction of a simple linear scale
Measuring distance
Finding direction and use of symbols
Map projection −
Construction and properties of projection
Conical with one standard parallel and Mercator’s projection (only two projections)
Unit 2: Topographic and Weather Maps
Study of topographic maps (1: 50,000 or 1: 25,000 Survey of India maps) −
Contour cross-section
Identification of landforms −
Distribution of settlements
Aerial Photographs −
Types and geometry – vertical aerial photographs
Difference between maps and aerial photographs
Photo scale determination
Identification of physical and cultural features
Satellite imageries −
Stages in remote sensing data-acquisition
Platform and sensors and data products
Photographic and digital
Use of weather instruments −
Wet and dry-bulb thermometer
Wind vane
Rain gauge
CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus 2021

Part A. Fundamentals of Human Geography
Unit 1: Human Geography
• Nature
• Scope
Unit 2: People
• Population −
o Distribution
o Density
o Growth
• Population change −
o Spatial patterns and structure
o Determinants of population change
• Age-sex ratio −
o Rural-urban composition
• Human development −
o Concept
o Selected indicators
o International comparisons
Unit 3: Human Activities
• Primary activities −
o Concept and changing trends
o Gathering
o Pastoral
o Mining
o Subsistence agriculture
o Modern agriculture
o People engaged in agricultural and allied activities – some examples from selected countries
• Secondary activities-concept −
o Manufacturing −
 Types – household
 Small scale
 Large scale
o Agro based industries
o Mineral based industries
o People engaged in secondary activities – some examples from selected countries
• Tertiary activities-concept −
o Trade
o Transport and tourism
o Services
o People engaged in tertiary activities – some examples from selected countries
• Quaternary activities – concept −
o people engaged in quaternary activities – case study from selected countries
Unit 4: Transport, Communication & Trade
• Land transport −
o Roads
o Railways
o Trans-continental railways
• Water transport −
o Inland waterways
o Major ocean routes
• Air transport −
o Intercontinental air routes
• Oil and gas pipelines
• Satellite communication and cyber space −
o Importance and usage for geographical information
o use of GPS
• International Trade-Bases and changing patterns −
o Ports as gateways of international trade
o Role of WTO in international trade
• Ocean −
o National rights and international treaties
Unit 5: Human settlements
• Settlement types −
o Rural and urban
o Morphology of cities (case study)
o Distribution of mega cities
o Problems of human settlements in developing countries
Map Work
Map Work on identification of features based on 1-5 units on the outline/Physical/Political map of World
Part B. India: People and Economy
Unit 6: People
• Population −
o Distribution
o Density
o Growth
• Composition of population −
o Linguistic
o Religious
o Sex
o Rural-urban
o Occupational-regional variations in growth of population
• Migration −
o International
o National
o Causes and consequences
• Human development −
o Selected indicators and regional patterns
• Population, environment and development
Unit 7: Human Settlements
• Rural settlements −
o Types
o Distribution
• Urban settlements −
o Types
o Distribution
o Functional classification
Unit 8: Resources and Development
• Land resources −
o General land use
o Agricultural land use
o Geographical conditions and distribution of major crops −
 Wheat
 Rice
 Tea
 Coffee
 Cotton
 Jute
 Sugarcane
 Rubber
o Agricultural development and problems
• Water resources −
o Availability and utilization-irrigation
o Domestic
o Industrial and other uses
o Scarcity of water
o Conservation methods −
 Rain water harvesting
 Watershed management
• Mineral and energy resources −
o Distribution of metallic −
 Iron ore
 Copper
 Bauxite
 Manganese
o Distribution of non-metallic −
 Mica
 Salt
o Conventional resources −
 Coal
 Petroleum
 Natural gas
 Hydroelectricity
o Non-conventional energy sources −
 Solar
 Wind
 Biogas
• Conservation Industries −
o Types
o Factors of industrial location
o Distribution and changing pattern of selected industries −
 Iron and steel
 Cotton textiles
 Sugar
 Petrochemicals
 Knowledge based industries
o Impact of liberalization, privatization and globalization on industrial location
o Industrial clusters
• Planning in India −
o Target group area planning (case study)
o Idea of sustainable development (case study)
Unit 9: Transport, Communication and International Trade
• Transport and communication −
o Roads
o Railways
o Waterways
o Airways
o oil and gas pipelines
o Geographical information and communication networks
• International trade −
o Changing pattern of India’s foreign trade
o Sea ports and their hinterland and airports
Unit 10: Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems
• Environmental pollution
o Urban – waste disposal
• Urbanization −
o Rural-urban migration
o Problems of slums
• Land degradation
Map Work
• Map work on locating and labelling of features based on above units on outline map of India.
Part-C Practical Work
Unit 1: Processing of Data and Thematic Mapping
• Type and Sources of data −
o Primary
o Secondary and other sources
• Tabulating and processing of data −
o Calculation of averages
o Measures of central tendency
o Deviation
o Rank correlation
• Representation of data – construction of diagrams −
o Bars
o Circles
o Flowchart
o Thematic maps
o Construction of dot
o Choropleth maps
o Isopleth maps
• Data analysis and generation of diagrams −
o Graphs and other visual diagrams using computers
Unit 2: Field Study or Spatial Information Technology
• Field visit and study −
• Map orientation
• Observation and preparation of sketch
• Survey on any one of the local concerns −
o Pollution
o Ground water changes
o Land use and land-use changes
o Poverty
o Energy issues
o Soil degradation
o Impact of floods and drought
o Catchment area of school
Unit 3: Spatial Information Technology
• Introduction to GIS −
o Hardware requirements and software modules
o Data formats
o Raster and vector data, data input, editing and topology building
o Data analysis
o Overlay and buffer

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