CBSE Psychology Class 11-12 Syllabus 2021-22 – CBSE Academic

CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Psychology 2021

Unit I: What is psychology?
• Introduction
• What is Psychology?
o Consciousness (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material) −
 Psychology as a Discipline
 Psychology as a Natural Science
 Psychology as a Social Science
• Understanding Mind and Behaviour
• Popular Notions about the Discipline of Psychology
• Evolution of Psychology
• Development of Psychology in India
• Branches of Psychology
• Themes of Research and Applications
• Psychology and Other Disciplines
• Psychologists at Work
• Psychology in Everyday Life −
o Linkages across psychological processes (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit II: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
• Introduction
• Goals of Psychological Enquiry −
o Steps in Conducting Scientific Research
o Alternative Paradigms of Research
• Nature of Psychological Data
• Some Important Methods in Psychology −
o Observational Method
o Experimental Method
o Correlational Research
o Survey Research
o Psychological Testing
o Case Study
• Analysis of Data
o Quantitative Method −
 Concepts and computation of the Measures of Central Tendency
 Graphical Presentation of Data: Bar, Histogram, Polygon (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Qualitative Method
• Limitations of Psychological Enquiry
• Ethical Issues
Unit III: The Bases of Human Behaviour
• Introduction
• Evolutionary Perspective
• Biological and Cultural Roots
• Biological Basis of Behaviour −
o Neurons
• Structure and Functions of Nervous System and
• Endocrine System and their Relationship with
• Behaviour and Experience −
o The Nervous System −
 Sleep and Wakefulness (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o The Endocrine System
• Heredity −
o Genes and Behaviour
• Cultural Basis: Socio-Cultural Shaping of Behaviour −
o Concept of Culture
• Enculturation
• Socialisation
• Acculturation −
o Globalization (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Diversity and Pluralism in the Indian Context (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit IV: Human Development
• Introduction
• Meaning of Development −
o Life-Span Perspective on Development
• Factors Influencing Development
• Context of Development
• Overview of Developmental Stages −
o Prenatal Stage
• Infancy
• Childhood
• Challenges of Adolescence
• Adulthood and Old Age
Unit V: Sensory, Attentional, and Perceptual Processes
• Introduction
• Knowing the world
• Nature and varieties of Stimulus
• Sense Modalities −
o Visual Sensation
o Auditory Sensation
• Attentional Processes −
o Selective Attention
o Sustained Attention
• Perceptual Processes −
o Processing Approaches in Perception
• The Perceiver
• Principles of Perceptual Organisation
• Perception of Space, Depth, and Distance
o Monocular Cues and Binocular Cues
• Perceptual Constancies
• Illusions
• Socio-Cultural Influences on Perception −
o Person Perception
Unit VI: Learning
• Introduction
• Nature of Learning
• Paradigms of Learning
• Classical Conditioning
• Determinants of Classical Conditioning
• Operant/Instrumental Conditioning −
o Determinants of Operant Conditioning
o Key Learning Processes
• Observational Learning
• Cognitive Learning
• Verbal Learning
• Concept Learning
• Skill Learning
• Transfer of Learning −
o Learning Curve (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
• Factors Facilitating Learning
• The Learner −
o Learning Styles
• Learning Disabilities
• Applications of Learning Principles
Unit VII: Human Memory
• Introduction
• Nature of memory
• Information processing Approach: The Stage Model
o An alternative approach – The Information Processing Perspective (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
• Memory Systems − Sensory, Short-term and Long-term Memories
• Levels of Processing
• Types of Long-term Memory
o Declarative and Procedural; Episodic and Semantic
• Knowledge Representation and Organization in Memory
• Memory as a Constructive Process
• Nature and Causes of Forgetting
o Forgetting due to Trace Decay, Interference and Retrieval Failure
o Pathologies related to Memory (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
• Enhancing Memory
o Mnemonics using Images and Organization
Unit VIII: Thinking
• Introduction
• Nature of Thinking
o Building Blocks of Thought
• The Processes of Thinking
• Problem Solving
• Reasoning
• Decision-making
• Nature and Process of Creative Thinking
o Nature of Creative Thinking
o Process of Creative Thinking
• Developing Creative Thinking
o Barriers to Creative Thinking
o Strategies for Creative Thinking
• Thought and Language
o Stages of Cognitive Development Introduction to the ideas of Piaget, and Vygotsky (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
• Development of Language and Language Use
Unit IX: Motivation and Emotion
• Introduction
• Nature of Motivation
• Types of Motives
o Biological Motives
o Psychosocial Motives
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Nature of Emotions
• Physiological Bases of Emotions
• Cognitive Bases of Emotions
• Cultural Bases of Emotions
• Expression of Emotions
o Culture and Emotional Expression
o Culture and Emotional Labelling
• Managing Negative Emotions
• Enhancing Positive Emotions
o Human Existence (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Competence (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Self-efficacy (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Intrinsic motivation (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Development of positive emotions (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Psychology 2021

Unit I: Variations in Psychological Attributes
• Introduction
• Individual Differences in Human Functioning
• Assessment of Psychological Attributes
• Intelligence
• Theories of Intelligence
• Theory of Multiple Intelligences −
o Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
o Planning, Attention-arousal, and Simultaneous successive
o Model of Intelligence
• Individual Differences in Intelligence
• Variations of Intelligence
• Culture and Intelligence
• Emotional Intelligence
• Special Abilities
o Aptitude − Nature and Measurement
• Creativity
Unit II: Self and Personality
• Introduction
• Self and Personality
• Concept of Self
• Cognitive and Behavioural Aspects of Self
o Self-esteem, Self-efficacy and Self-regulation
• Culture and Self
• Concept of Personality
• Major Approaches to the Study of Personality −
o Type Approaches
o Trait Approaches
o Psychodynamic Approach
o Behavioural Approach
o Cultural Approach
o Humanistic Approach
• Assessment of Personality
o Self-report Measures
o Projective Techniques
o Behavioural Analysis
Unit III: Meeting Life Challenges
• Introduction
• Nature, Types and Sources of Stress
• Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health
o Stress and Health
o General Adaptation Syndrome
o Stress and Immune System
o Lifestyle
• Coping with Stress
o Adaptation and Adjustments (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Stress Management Techniques
• Promoting Positive Health and Well-being
o Life Skills
o Human Strengths and Virtues from the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit IV: Psychological Disorders
• Introduction
• Concepts of abnormality and psychological Disorders
• Classification of Psychological Disorders
• Factors Underlying Abnormal Behaviour
• Major Psychological Disorders
o Anxiety Disorders
o Somatoform Disorders
o Dissociative Disorders
o Mood Disorders
o Schizophrenic Disorders
o Behavioural and Developmental Disorders
o Substance-use Disorders
Unit V: Therapeutic Approaches
• Nature and process of psychotherapy
o Therapeutic relationship
• Types of therapies
o Psychodynamic Therapy
o Behaviour Therapy
o Cognitive Therapy
o Humanistic-existential Therapy
o Biomedical Therapy
o Alternative Therapies
o Zen (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Counselling (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
• Rehabilitation of the Mentally III
Unit-VI: Attitude and Social Cognition
• Introduction
• Explaining Social Behaviour
• Nature and Components of Attitudes
• Attitude Formation and Change
o Attitude Formation
o Attitude Change
o Attitude-Behaviour Relationship
• Prejudice and Discrimination
• Strategies for Handling Prejudice
• Social Cognition
• Schemas and Stereotypes
• Impression Formation and Explaining
• Behaviour of Others through Attributions
o Impression Formation
o Attribution of Causality
• Behaviour in the Presence of Others
• Pro-social Behaviour
o Factors Affecting Pro-social Behaviour
Unit-VII: Social Influence and Group Processes
• Introduction
• Nature and Formation of Groups
• Type of Groups
• Influence of Group on Individual Behaviour
o Social Loafing
o Group Polarisation
• Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
• Cooperation and Competition
o Determinants of Cooperation and Competition
• Social Identity
• Intergroup Conflict: Nature and Causes
• Conflict Resolution Strategies
Unit-VIII: Psychology and Life
• Introduction
• Human-Environment Relationship
o Different Views of the Human-Environment Relationship
• Environmental Effects on Human Behaviour
o Human Influence on the Environment
o Noise
o Pollution
o Crowding
o Natural Disasters
• Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviour
• Psychology and Social Concerns
o Poverty and Discrimination
o Aggression, Violence, and Peace
o Mahatma Gandhi on Non-violence
o Health
o Impact of Television on Behaviour
o Media and Human Values (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Human Rights (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Citizenship (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
o Promotion of Peace (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit-IX: Developing Psychological Skills
• Introduction
• Developing as an effective Psychologist
• General Skills
o Intellectual and Personal Skills; Sensitivity to Diversity
• Observational Skills
• Specific Skills
o Communication Skills
o Psychological Testing Skills
• Interviewing Skills
• Counselling Skills
Practical Work
• Development of case profile −
o Using appropriate methods like, interview, observation and psychological tests
• Test administration −
o Students are required to administer and interpret five tests.
• In Practical examination, the student will be required to administer and interpret two psychological tests.

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